Saturday 2 February 2013

Gaming with the Wii

This was the  beginning of our thinking for the HOTs which began September 2009.

Games with the Nintendo Wii

One of the best games I have seen in the classroom is Endless Ocean

Pupils explore the ocean bed discovering and researching different creatures.
Norwood Green Junior School completed a successful project that demonstrated the positive change in attitude of one disaffected pupil. Part of the problem for this pupil was difficulty communicating ideas and describing a sequence of events. Playing the game led to imagined scenarios and improvement in creative writing.

You can use this game in many ways to support reading, writing, technology, science and art:
To explore the creatures (classification; food chains)
Keep a diving log
Design diving masks and flippers
Coral reef report - why under threat?
Guide book for the divers
Design own sea creatures - and use Crazy Talk
Write about own creatures characteristics and position in the food chain
Write about a day in the life of a marine biologist
Debate: island development versus coral reef threat

Wii Sports Resort is the basis for the Hounslow Hold on to Sports cross borough games. Contact me if you want to get involved in our 'Inspired by the 2012 Olympics' event
We have teams across our schools researching basketball, table tennis, cycling and bowling. They are doing presentations - posters, films, animations, photstories on their chosen sports - about being a trainer, dietician, and physio and they are designing kit to qualify for the Wii play off at the Civic Centre July 3rd and 4th 2010.
Or hold your very own Wii-imboldon next Summer:
Write a profile of your star - the mega wealthy number one
Create a tour map for the Grand Slam
Plan where to stay, how to get there and costs
Keep a tour diary
Bring in fitness and health

Guitar Heros must get a mention. I don't think any school in Hounslow has used this game yet but there is plenty of learning and fun going on in Scotland. They have generously uploaded lesson plans and resources . A transition project is described in detail by Ollie Bray. It has been so successful it has been expanded across the whole authority gaining awards along the way.

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